About HPZ karate
The school of karate and self-defense in Hostivar (ZŠ Hornoměcholupská), which builds its strategy on three basic pillars: Team, Power and Tradition. At HPZ we learn team spirit and friendship, building confidence in ourselves and the power of personality - the power of spirit, as well as the spirit of tradition that allows us to continue the ancient Japanese martial art. HPZ targets not only weakened categories, such as children or seniors, who teach how to resist injustice or oppression, but also experienced fighters who wish to deepen their knowledge of new techniques, or just practice and refine them. We train not only the Elementary School Hornoměcholupská, where the trainer takes children directly from the company and gives parents more space for their affairs, but also outside in the forest park (where we practice dexterity and endurance) or at camps. Not to mention the participation in organized competitions (where real medals are won). HPZ Karate strives to teach anyone who is interested in it, both in martial arts and self-defense, and in self-control and discipline. To make the offer even more interesting, HPZ also organizes other interesting activities in the form of special seminars for non-karatists and with the help of the more skilled ones. HPZ as the first section links two platforms - combat and knowledge; in the spirit of HPZ strategy - the spirit of tradition.
Being part of a team doesn't mean being on a regular basis unless you are looking for excellent sports results. You can come to a self-defense seminar in the forest park and practice an hour, two and do something for your health. You are welcome to join the HPZ team.